I must admit, this wedding will be hard to top. An attractive couple with a great sense of humor, up for anything, a great location, what more could a photographer ask for? Oh, great weather too! Here's the irony: this wasn't even my booking. See, I was out in Vegas at the Wedding and Portrait Photographer's International Conference, and I wasn't getting back until Friday night. Given the vagaries and unreliability of flights these days, I'm not generally willing to take the chance on missing someone's wedding by booking one the day after the conference. On the other hand, one reason I belong to such organizations is that professional photographers are mostly single-person operations, because photography is an art form and clients generally hire me because they want my style - and that means we need a network of photographers whose style we know and who will help out when the situation arises.
In this case, it was my turn to step up; I was called on the day before by a sick photographer, and naturally I was happy to help out. Funny thing is, she didn't even know the wedding was a themed event, and I just happened to be the perfect guy to do it! So enjoy!

I'm not telling what was in those bowls....

Mom was very supportive!

Now the in-laws, well....

And there was the maid of honor...

No comment.

Arrr. Arrrrrr!

Infrared fit the mood very well.